Chapter 9 Part 1
RajavidyaRajaguhya Yoga
Knowing athma thatwa can make one free from karma vasana. If truth behind existence and karma is known, then one can perform karma without producing vasana. Spiritual knowledge(athma jnana) is of experiential knowledge also. Such knowledge(vijnana) is the king of all knowledge. Knowledge is for removing ignorance. Athma jnana removes ignorance of existence itself. Athma jnana reveals secret of total existence. Those who do not try to learn this principle, do karmas in way of producing vasana that cause rebirths.
Universe appears on Brahma
Whole universe is filled up by Brahma, inside out, which is incomprehensible by senses or mind. Every components of universe exists on Brahma. Brahma fills up everything and everywhere. Universe is seen as existing on Brahma as an illusion by the yoga maaya of Brahma. Prakriti or maaya or shakthi imagines(sankalpa) all things of universe. Universe is seen on Brahma, as snake is observed on a rope by mistake. It is like mirage that is seen on desert. Even if all components of universe and every karma are on Brahma, they do not create any vibration or change on Brahma. It is like ever moving air does not make any changes on sky. At last, the universe dissolves back into the prakriti of Brahma. Again the universe appears from prakriti. Even if everything happens on Brahma, it does not have the feeling of doer-ship. This way it does not get attached to any prakriti-karmas.
Maaya, which is the shakthi of brahma, produces all living and non-living components of universe. Due to presence of Brahma and due to karmas of prakriti, universe appears and disappears repeatedly.
Sathwa Rajas Thamo guna
As reality is so, humans commonly forget the truth and run after unreality. Those who forgets sathwika prakrti have to follow rajasik and thamasik prakrti only. These two prakriti gunas persuade to depend on what are seen in outer world(follows senses). This leads to run after selfish enjoyments. When doing cruel activities to earn wealth etc. that is the qualities of thamas. When pleasures are earned through cheating and dishonesty, that is the qualities of rajas.
Those who understand ultimate truth, depends on satwika prakriti. They leave rajo and thamo gunas and becomes uninterested in worldly pleasures. They try to experience truth through upasana either with form or without form. Here they see God or Brahma everywhere.
Yajna done for heavenly pleasures
Yajnas are explained in the karmakanda portion of Vedas. By doing yajnas as explained in Vedas, one can attain swarga sukha(heavenly pleasures). After finishing that punya they come back to earth. By following this yajna marga one happens to continue in the cycle birth and rebirth.
But whoever leaves attachment for all worldly and heavenly pleasures and aims at attaining Brahma, certainly becomes free from the cycle of birth and rebirth. For them, their welfare will be taken care of by Brahma itself. They do not need to worry about their life and future.
Whatever wishes one possesses in life and whatever paths he accepts, no matter, he reaches in suitable circumstances to attain his wishes. All these results are given by Brahma who is his own innate swaroopa.
Total Submission
Submit everything and every karma to the supreme Godhead, Brahma. Free from the feelings of doer-ship and experiencer-ship or enjoyer-ship. This is total submission. Imagine everywhere and in everything only Brahma. By following this way of life one becomes free from karma and vasana.
Consider everything in universe as same. Do not keep raaga or dwesha to anybody or anything. With this kind of thinking, whoever imagine Brahma all the time, reaches Brahma ultimately.
Who is a true spiritual seeker?
Even an evil man can be considered as a spiritual seeker, if he starts sadhana with the goal of attaining Brahma. Due to his strong desire to attain self realization he definitely leaves evil path reaches a virtuous path.He certainly can attain realization with his true sadhana. Remember the example of Maharishi: Valmiki.
Ways to attain Brahma
Fix mind on Brahma. Mind normally jumps from one imagination to another. Teach mind that all the scenes that are visible are nothing but Brahma. Remove all thoughts about the fruits of results. Do karmas as worship to supreme God and leave results to Him. Be submissive to God. Fix the goal of life as realization of Brahma. Thus if one imagines Brahma always, definitely he attains Brahma.
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