Chapter 8 Part 1
AksharaBrahma Yoga
Universe originates
Akshara-brahma means Brahma without ruin. Brahma is the ultimate cause of universe. Prana spandana happens itself on Brahma. All living and nonliving things are formed due to this prana spandana. They undergo changes and ruin. Every components in universe, that forms, exists and ruins, should have a substratum for components to appear, exist and disappear. Brahma is without any change and without any ruin. Brahma is the substratum of universe and it is the ultimate cause of universe.
Jiva is the shakthi or life force which is formed by itself on Brahma due to pranaspandana(energy vibration). All living beings are formed due to the sankalpa(imagination) of jiva. The vibration of prana creates all sookshma(subtle) and sthoola(physical) bodies.
Birth and rebirth
The feeling that was predominant during life time, will remain in mind during death time. Next birth is decided according to the feeling which remained in mind during death. If a person lived for making money and thought always about money, then he happens to leave body with this thought. He gets another birth with a suitable circumstance to acquire money. Instead if a person thought about God, he receives a new birth which suits to continue his devotion. If one does not keep any desires and lives imagining Brahma, then he attains Brahma sakshathkara(realization of Brahma). This is moksha or liberation.
If you want to keep Brahma bhavana(thought of Brahma) at the time of death, you should remember Brahma in life all the time while doing your karma. If you surrender your mind and budhi to Brahma, certainly you attain Brahma. Repeated practice (abhyasa) is necessary for this. When budhi becomes steady in remembering Brahma, he surely attains Brahma.
Omkara upasana
Whoever understood Brahma thathwa but cannot experience Brahma, can adopt 'Om' kara upsana(worship in Om). With control of sense and mind one can pronounce 'Om' repeatedly and prolongly (the details are not given here). If it is practiced for a long period, one can keep 'Om' at his time of death. After leaving body he can attain Brahma gradually.
Brahma bhavana and liberation
Whose mind remembers Brahma all the time without allowing mind to follow anything else and who remains always with Brahma gets Brahma everywhere all the time very easily. Those who experience Brahma in everything will not have to take another birth which is impermanent and which is the seat of all sorrows and miseries. All humans have births, deaths and rebirths. All the worlds from sathwika prana(cosmic energy) to amoeba or several solar systems are having birth and having death and having birth again. Those who attains Brahma escapes from all these mortal worlds and reaches ever existing state of Brahma. Hereafter he does not happen to take sorrow filled births.
Repeated appearance and disappearance of worlds
Worlds originate on Brahma by prana spandana. The world of Brahmav (not Brahma) originates first(this is the cosmic energy of modern science). After this, rest of all the worlds originate through repeated and growing prana spandana. At last prana spandana retrogrades itself and all the worlds begin to disappear one by one and merge back on a state of avyaktha(un-manifested state). After a long period of rest, worlds begin to appear again as before from avyaktha. Beyond this avyaktha state is eternal state of Brahma. Eternal state cannot be experienced through senses or mind. The consciousness or Brahma remains same even after all components of universe disappear.
Ultimate state of no birth and no death
The existence of universe is on Brahma. Those who begins to experience Brahma, on its initial stage he experiences universe as vibrating inside a conscious existence. On a second stage he experiences that conscious Brahma fills everywhere inside and outside of everything. On a final stage he realizes that there is only one existence and that is the Brahma. There is no other thing exists and he sees only Brahma. In such a state who or what is there to take birth and death. In this state of ultimate realization there is no birth and death.
Utharayana marga
All yogis cannot achieve this state during this life time. If realization is not achieved fully but truth is understood theoretically, after death they reach the world of Brahmav(sathwika prana) after passing through different worlds. In this state jivas get clear Brahma bodha and merge with Brahma. This is called utharayana marga. Here jiva does not come back to take birth again.
Dakshinayana marga
Did worldly karma for its results; but also did some virtuous karma for higher boons, what will happen to such peoples? After death they go to heaven to experience the result of their good karma. After finishing that, they happen to come back to earth to take birth according to their rest of karma. This is same for who does evil karma. They go to hell and come back.
Those who understand these two paths will not become attached to worldly pleasures. A person who follows desires happens to take birth again and again and have to undergo life of happiness and sorrows. He has no escape from the cycle of birth and death.
Ultimate choice
There are so many virtuous results(punya phala) that can be achieved through studying Veda, doing yajna, doing tapas and doing service to the needful. The state of Brahma is beyond all these punya. It is punya of all punyas. An intelligent yogi definitely will choose the ultimate punya and realize Brahma.
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