Athma Jnana
Athma Sakshathkaram or Soul Realization
The first step in realization of soul is to understand about the ultimate cause of existence. One must know that consciousness is the causal object of universe. All matters in this universe are just virtual scenes on consciousness or Brahma. So one has to practice to see Brahma in everything. All other imaginations vanish from mind. Then budhi becomes single pointed on Brahma.
Genesis or Srishty
Consciousness or Brahma is static and is without even a vibration. On the static Brahma, as an illusion(maya), vibration of energy(prana spandana) happened. After this, pancha bhuthas(space, air, fire, water and earth) originated. The pancha bhutas combined together in different proportions to form various types of matters. So energy and matters in the presence of consciousness constitute different objects in the universe. From energy to various things like even sun, moon etc. are seen under the effect of maya or as an illusion.
Energy vibration and Karma
So all things were originated from energy vibration. The evolution or changes also happens because of vibration. In living beings, every actions, internal or external, are due to the vibration of energy within(prana spandana). The innate energy or prana vibrates and becomes karma. Karma is the result of prana spandana. So the formation of universe is a transformation from a state of no-vibration(no-karma) to a state of vibration or karma.
Attaining the state of no-karma by doing karma as yajna:
Soul realization happens when one goes from a state of karma(vibration) and reaches a state of akarma (no-vibration). But most of all humans take birth with karma vasana. They have to do karma. They cannot remain on doing nothing. So how humans can attain no-karma state (naishkarmia)? It is by doing karma leaving attachments to its result. By doing karma like this, will help to clear off karma vasana and stops producing new vasana. This way one can become free from karma. Then he has to acquire athma jnana. Through jnana he can attain realization by the destruction of senses and mind.
State of Naishkarmia
Karma is an untrue phenomena by maya imposed on the static and unemotional Brahma. Every living and nonliving things are the result of motion or vibration. Every emotions like happiness or sorrows are the result of such vibrations. When prana vibrates more and more, the life become more complicated with less peace and happiness. Rishis found out that the only solution to find a permanent peace and happiness in life is the path of naishkarmia. Means, go from a state of vibration to a stationary state or of no-vibration. For this engage in karma by renouncing attachments to its results.
Doing karma helplessly: No one can remain lazy
Everyone takes birth according to their parakriti guna (natural quality). Similarly, it is this guna(sathwa, rajas, thamo) that decides and compels one to do their karma. This prakriti guna combines in different proportions and create individual character. Thus everyone becomes slave of prakriti guna. Each humans happen to do their karma helplessly. He cannot change his liable karma or he cannot refrain from doing his desired karma.
Vibration, motion and karma are synonyms. Vibration is the subtlest form of karma. All things in this universe are formed because of vibration or prana spandana(energy vibration). Vibration or motion can happen only on a static substratum. Brahma is the static substratum for the whole universe. Behind every thing which is formed due to vibration there is a motionless substratum. All the things in the universe are seen just as a mirage on Brahma. So it is very easy to imagine Brahma in every thing.
By knowing the ultimate truth, one can conquer all the sins. The fire of jnana can burn out all karma vasana and can make one free from all the sorrows of worldly life. When one feels total thatwa bodha, he can attain ultimate peace.
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