Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dhyana Yoga Part - 2

Chapter 6 Part 2
Dyana Yoga

By practicing dhyana one can restrict senses from enjoying vishaya. Then mind turns inward and reaches in samadhi. In this samadhi one can enjoy athmananda. Here one can experience the soul that is the seat of conscious ananda. This experience is not possible through senses. Senses can experience only physical things or gross things(sthoola vishaya). But a sharp intellect or sookshma budhi can experience the soul. Soul experience is possible through many planes for sookshma budhi by existing as budhi. But the complete realization of soul happens only when this budhi also vanishes.

No other achievements are greater than the achievement of soul. Whoever enjoys athmananda will not worry about worldly sorrows. In this state of athmananda, no sorrows can enter. This state of soul realization is to be attained by definitive goal and with a definitive mind set. The desire for worldly pleasures are produced by imagining about vishaya. These desires should be abandoned along with its vasana.  With such a mind, all jnana indriya and karma indriya should be controlled. Make the budhi steady and focus completely on the soul. Gradually budhi becomes one with soul. Continue on this state without allowing any thoughts to enter.

Mind always runs from one vishaya to another. When mind leaves from one vishaya and before going to another, then mind should be taught to imagine Brahma in vishaya(Brhama bhavana). Feel that whatever is seen as various vishayas are nothing but Brahma only. Teach mind to see Brahma in everything(bhava adwaitham). This way mind can be withdrawn from vishayas.

On the ultimate state of realization (samadhi) the mind vanishes completely. In this stage there will not be even a trace of 'aham'. This happens when all karma vasanas are totally finished. In the absence of aham and vasana, the total experience of Brahma happens. As a result of all these, an independent joy (ananda) becomes inherent. At the first stage of samadhi(savikalpa) the above state of bliss is enjoyed by sookshma budhi. On the final stage of samadhi(nirvikalpa), as aham totally disappears, the eternal joy shines of its own. For such a yogi, it is possible to see Brahma even when he involves in worldly affairs.

Dyana or meditation leads to savikalpa samadhi, which is the realization of jivathma. This leads to nirvikalpa samadhi,  which is the realization of Brahma. Here a yogi happens to understand athma (soul) as Brahma. Such a yogi sees Brahma as filled in everything in universe. He experiences everything as vibrating from the innate soul. A yogi sees Brahma in everything and sees everything as Brahma. Karma does not create karmaphala or vasana for such a yogi. A yogi may or may not do karma. Even if he does some karma for the sake of others, he does it without a feeling that 'I am doing'. Different stages from dhyana to savikalpa to nirvikalpa samadhi, finally reaches the state of seeing Brahma everywhere.

Repeated practicing and detachment
Controlling the mind is a very difficult task. But mind can be conquered by repeated practice. Practice Brahma bhavana(seeing Brahma in everything) repeatedly. Repeated dhyana for a long period can attain result. Whatever we focus deeply (on a certain thing), mind can attain that position. This is the characteristic of mind.

Mind normally is attached to vishayas. Mind should be withdrawn from vishaya and focus on Brahma. This withdrawal is called vairagya or detachment (refrain from raaga or desire). A spiritual seeker must practice vairagya not only from vishaya of this world but also from heavens.

These two steps should be done simultaneously. As a first step mind should be withdrawn from vishayas and at the same time fix mind on Brahma. Repeated practice of mind-control helps vairagya and vairagya helps mind-control.

Different results attained by seekers
What happens for a spiritual seeker (sadhaka) who practiced all steps but cannot control mind completely. By learning and listening and through thathwa vichara, one can understand the spiritual principle. Then practice Brahma bhavana. Still for some reason one may not attain soul realization in this birth. What happens for such seekers?

Such a person does not fall in life at any cost. Those who practice mind control by karma yoga and tries to get Brahma bhavana, can destroy feelings of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship in life. This helps to remove raaga-dwesha vasana and removes kaama-krodha (strong desires and anger). This in turn helps to lead life in a fruitful way.

Not only  this, if he happens to leave body without attaining full result of soul realization, then he reaches divine worlds like heavens and enjoys happiness there and certainly comes back to take birth in a virtuous family.There he happens to continue his spiritual practice.

And those who progressed a long way in yoga marga and leaves body without full realization then they happen to take birth in the family of yogis itself. In such new births, it happens to come with vasanas or budhi, gained through yoga marga from previous birth. Spiritual learning can be restarted from the place where it ended on last birth.

Learned athma thathwa, but cannot indulge in spiritual practice. What happens to this person?  He takes birth with his prakriti guna. He gets a life with his rest of vasanas. While living this life with vasana, certainly he gets chance to indulge in spiritual learning.

Whoever starts spiritual learning, definitely reaches the ultimate state of salvation either in one life or through many lives. From all these information it is understood that even a small portion of spiritual learning can save humans from all mischief of life.

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