Principles of Bhagavad Gita: Part-1
Summary of Chapter 2 - Saamkhya Yoga
The Bhagavad Gita reveals the secret of body and soul:
The absolute consciousness (Brahma or soul) is the only ever existing truth. All things or matter that are visible in this universe, including our body, are perishable or transitory. There are only two components for existence - that is conscious Brahma or soul and dead matter or body. The consciousness is ever existing (without change) and the matter is ever changing. Consciousness is the only thing that have the capability of knowing its own existence and knowing other things. Matter does not have this capacity of knowing anything. A matter or body becomes live or conscious only when it have the presence of consciousness. When the soul leaves a body then the body becomes dead. Matter is subject to evolution. It always undergoes changes that is birth, growth, decay and death. Consciousness or soul has no birth and no death, it is ever existent. The individual consciousness (Jivathma) gives existence to an individual. A body or mind or intelligence cannot make a person existent or alive.
The individualized consciousness (because of a body and mind) is called 'Jivathma' or individual soul. So, for an individual even if the body (matter) is lost (death) nothing is happened to the soul. The soul continues its existence by accepting several new bodies (births) till its cycle of existence ends by clearing off the accumulated karma.
The Bhagavad Gita: Soul is ever existing and body is transitory:
We are all souls not bodies. So there is no death by the loss of our body. Consider that nothing is happened when the physical body is dead. In this way think that we have no death, so no birth. All are ever existing souls.
How it is understood that soul has no death or no change? We all pass through different stages of life. First is the birth, then childhood, youth and old age comes. In all these stages there is no change for the "I". It is the same "I" passed through all the different stages of life. We know that what all changes happened to the body, nothing is happened to the "I". All the changes happens only to the body. Soul is which gives every one of us the feeling of existence, that is the "I" feeling.Because of soul only, we experience our existence. The changes of body do not affect the soul. So nothing will happen to the soul even when the body is lost (death).
Also, we experience three states of existence throughout our life - wake up state, dreaming state and deep sleep state (jagrath, swapna, sushupthi). In all these states the experiencer is the same. The same "I" which do various karma in wake state, goes to sleep and have dreams. Then the same "I" further goes to deep sleep. How it is understood? We all say "I" had a dream, after a sleep and say, after a deep sleep, that "I" slept well and nothing was known.
In above two cases a particular thing is staying unchanged and that is the consciousness or soul. Here we saw there is no change for the soul during life stages and during different states of existence. So there will not be any change for the soul at the time of loosing physical body.
The Bhagavad Gita: Body and Soul
"Soul has no birth, no death"
Consciousness or soul has no beginning and no ending. That which is born, certainly dies. And that which is not born, certainly does not die. As the consciousness/soul has no birth, so it has no death.
"Soul came into being not after an origination"
Soul is ever existing. But when did the soul originate first? No, it has come into being not after an origination. Sometimes people may think that soul is existing, after an initial formation. No, it is ever existing and ever lasting. It is into being as an ever being.
"Soul has no birth, no change and no death"
Soul or athma has no change. It remains same without any transformation. No growth. For which that is without any change will remain same. Then there will not be any decay or harm and no final ruin.
"Soul was into being before the formation of bodies"
Soul is ancient. This means that the soul was into existence before the formation of all the matters in the universe. It is the only object that existed from time immemorial and all other things in this universe originated latter.
"Soul is not destroyed when body is destroyed"
This means that soul is not ruined even when all matters in the universe are ruined. It will remain same even after all things in the universe vanish. Matters have birth, so they have death also. At the final ruin or destruction of the whole universe, only the consciousness or soul will exist. It is said, thereafter, by passing a long period of rest, the universe will evolve again from the consciousness.
Consciousness or soul has no birth, it has no evolution (transformation/change), so it has no ruin, so it has no death, so it is eternal, so it has no motion, so it is incessant (unbroken), so it is all pervading, so it has no action (karma), so it has no emotion (vibration), so it is static, so it is peaceful, so it is blissful (ananda mayam).
Why self realization or realization of soul?
We understood that soul is the real base of our existence. Our body, mind, ego and intellect is only secondary. If we want unveil the secret of existence of us and of universe, we have to learn and understand only one thing, that is the soul. While researching the secret of existence we will understand that the soul is the seat of happiness. We cannot achieve an ever lasting happiness in life by forgetting the soul. So it is necessary for us not only to inquire about the soul but also to realize the soul in order to achieve eternal peace and happiness.
Importance of Balanced Mind: The Bhagavad Gita
Self realization or knowing the soul is possible only by practicing a balanced mind. To achieve that mental balance, karmas should be done by leaving emotional attachment to its results. Have same or equal attitude even if the result of a karma is favorable or not. Stay calm in sorrows and happiness. If it is practiced in the practical life, mind becomes quiet. Only such a mental condition can help to know the truth. Achieving a balanced mind is called yoga. It is possible either through saamkhya yoga or karma yoga.
Sense Control and Tolerance
Together with mind the senses and sensual objects produce opposite and dual experiences like heat and cold, sorrow and happiness. So life will be a mix of sorrows and happiness. There is only one way to overcome the dual experiences of senses and that is by practicing sense control and tolerance. There is no point in showing anxiety and lamentation. If so, that may create likes and dislikes which in turn produces karma vasana. By practicing sense control and tolerance one can develop mental equilibrium. Only a balanced mind can understand the soul. In other words, it is the restless mind that stops us from knowing the soul.
Definitive Intellect or Vyavasayikalmika Budhi
To achieve a balanced mind, the intellect should be single focused. If the intellect is focused on a single matter, that intellect becomes resolute or definitive. What is that single thing to be focused upon? If we focus on anything in this world, that would lead to many other things. So single focus-ness is not possible in this way. But if we focus on the ultimate cause (Brahma), our intellect becomes single focused, because the ultimate cause of universe is only one. This way of thinking cannot lead to many other things.
What is the thinking about the ultimate cause? To do this one has to know about the supreme cause or absolute cause of the universe, that is soul. The understanding of the single object or reality helps to become single focused. Whatever seen in this world are just the 'names and forms' on the single object, Brahma. This kind of single focused intellect is called a resolute/definitive intellect. Only that kind of intellect can help in achieving a balanced mind.
Sthitha Prajna or Steady Conscious State
When all vibrations of mind are stopped, budhi (intellect) stays in the Self or Soul and becomes still and firm. How the vibrations of mind can be stopped? It is possible by giving up of all desires from mind. When all the desires are given up, the mind becomes still and intellect stays firm. At this stage, ananda or bliss will be found out in soul by the soul. The ecstasy is felt not in mind or budhi but in soul. And the ananda is found out not by mind or budhi but by soul itself. This state of realization is called sthitha prajna. At this stage he dwells completely within his soul.
When one completely withdraws senses from sense subjects, as tortoise withdraws its limbs, then prajna of such a person is considered firm. Here the importance of sense control is mentioned, as it is helpful for a spiritual seeker. First of all, one learns from books or from a guru the importance controlling senses. Then he practices controlling senses. When spiritual practice is progressing the senses become controlled much. But even after getting self realization the seeds of senses may lie deep inside. Only after complete control of senses, one can get the moksha or liberation.
Why sanyasa(renunciation) is not for a householder?
Samkhya Yoga and Karma Yoga. Yoga means balanced state of mind. There are two types of yoga, saamkhya yoga and karma yoga. The mental balance can be achieved in life either through atma jnana (saamkhya yoga or jnana yoga) or through performing one's own karma in life with a balanced mind (karma yoga).
A seeker of self realization can refrain from all worldly matters and do sanyasa or renunciation. In this path the seeker engage mainly in learning and practicing Self knowledge or athma jnana. This is saamkhya yoga or jnana yoga. But for a householder, he cannot leave his karma all of a sudden, as he is bonded with his karma or duties. He took this birth as a householder because of his vasana from previous birth. He has to finish off his vasanas by doing his desired or liable karma. He cannot run away from this. So what he has to do? After learning athma jnaana he has to perform his karma. Through this way he can finally break the bonds of karma. How? While performing karma as his own dharma (swadharma), he has to practice mental balance in life. Attaining mental balance through karma is called karma yoga. The mental balance together with self knowledge can help one to earn self realization. Thus he becomes free from karmic bonds.
Fall of a person who runs after sense pleasures
For those who ponder about sense subjects, forms attachment. Because of attachment forms desire. Desire leads to anger. Because of anger or 'krodha' forms 'sammoha'. Due to this happens 'smruthi vibhrama'. This destroys budhi. This leads to total ruin.
A person who always wander after worldly pleasures, forms a kind of attachment or liking towards the thing that can give such pleasures. Then he thinks that it should be achieved however, that is desire. If some obstacles come in front of that desire then there forms anger. Because of anger, looses discrimination. This leads to loss of memory. Loss of memory destroys the faculty of reasoning, the intelligence. This causes total ruin of that person. This shows how senses and sense matters make a man fall into unrighteous path.
(This is the summary of Saamkya Yoga, Chapter II of Bhagavad Gita. This is the main principles (athma thathwam) taught in this chapter.)